In addition, this step was taken in order to repress the Microsoft rivalnya, Linux, in the controlled market. Because as we know, Linux is free, so that children who are less able will choose as the Linux Operating System. Moreover, the latest versions Linux is currently more mature in the face interaction. Of course, this is not good news for Microsoft.
This program will begin at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the plan will begin with the produce worth $ 188 laptop in
7 komentar:
kepeduliaannya terhadap anak anak sangat bagus ya negara ini. bener bener god ide tujuan untuk mencerdaskan anak bangsa dimulai sejak dini,bisa terealisasikan. salut!
It's good to see Microsoft doing something to help the needy. Let's hope more large corporations will do the same.
Bagus sekali idenya..
Maaf blog saya baru terhapus. Data di blog follow hilang juga.
Silahkan di add lagi ya di pondokku.
ide yang bagus untuk mencerdaskan anak2 :)
makasih dah comment ke rumahku...postinganya bagus juga mendidik banget ini!!good luck aja deh..sekalian senyum mumpung masuk sini..
Aku suka postingan mu
Terima Kasih!
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