under way to delete this email Account
Maybe sometimes when you want to delete an email account. Email account is not active, too much spam or consolidation requires many accounts, often become a reason to cancel the use of email account. The process is different, depending on the respective service providers and whether the email is used for free or paid account. Following tips to delete the email account.
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* If you still can not delete the email account on Yahoo Mail, then you can go to the page "terminating your Yahoo! Account" and confirm your decision with the password must be entered. If you have paid Serviced integrated with the email account Yahoo Mail account, then delete the service first so you do not need to continue the payments. Losing the activation email Yahoo Mail will cause you to lose settings My Yahoo!, Hotjobs, GeoCities and other Yahoo services.
* To MSN Hotmail, click "Help" to delete your Hotmail account. In the search prompt, enter "Close Account". Select blue links "Close your account," and read the terms for the elimination of the account, depending on the level of service (free or paid) that you use. Confirm "Close" if you have read and accept the terms MSN Hotmail.
* For AOL email service, more complicated than others, especially those who have paid the account or accounts paying. You must download and print the rejection account in a PDF version of the page of your account, complete and mem-fax it to AOL. You can also contact the customer service line at the AOL number 1 (888) 265-8003. In addition, you must also be a follow-up card several times to ensure payment has been canceled or convert from in-paid account to the AOL service free.
2 komentar:
de, shoutmixna dicabut? smilena didieu atuh
Thanks he..he..pokoknya maju terus pantang mundur, rawe-rawe rantas malang-malang putung.
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