Jumat, 21 November 2008

How your career?

One of the following errors in pursuing careers:

Although each assignment from superiors successfully done with good, but the signs have come unremitting campaign. Perhaps there is an error not only in your position, but also environmental factors work. If the career path that you want to pursue at this time, then you need to be cautious of some things that can be a stumbling block following:

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All Entered to Exercise
Not all people are lucky to work in an ideal environment. Often we need to confronted colleagues or superiors who are lazy choosy. So that the "pebble-gravel" does not disrupt our performance, all things that annoy not entered into the hearts. Stay focused on goals and do not let it disrupt the concentration.

Less Ask
A new reporter at a reputable newspaper share tips success, "friends in my new office never taught me how mejadi a good journalist. Finally, in my office and ask a lot out of the senior citizens, "he said. So, if you feel "alone" in the work of a superior, do not hesitate to ask and do not be afraid to ask for clarification if the answers are given unsatisfactory. Origin you know, the boss is actually more like a question of should be given correct the error.

Do not hidde

Presentation that you do get a positive appreciation from the client? Or you successful achievement of certain outside work? Do not hidden, to the supervisors so they know the potential you have.

Too Perfeksionis

Becoming a perfeksionis is not a sin, but you do not need to do if the expense of jobs. For example, not only because they want to errors in typography proposal, you check to make repeated so that the work of other neglected.

Afraid to Negotiate

Common mistakes that women often do employees in the workplace is not dare to negotiate. Many employees are afraid to express something that their own advantage. Want to apply for leave, take the position, increased salary, or take an assignment from superiors? Do not quickly surrender to submit bids.

Trapped In Administrative Tasks
Whether for many years the tasks you only answer the phone, set records and records of incoming mail? If so, then you are far from ideal career path to reach higher. Now it's time for you to find more challenges with the other tasks that show the capabilities and sharpen your potential. Act now.

Always Looking to the Top

By pursuing his career certainly we must work to a maximum of superiors properly assess it. But should not forget your colleagues, friends, namely one team. There are too willing employees who claim the project as a meskipu actual performance is a hard working team. Do not want to because the humor superiors, we expense of a friend.

once again with how your career….!

15 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

provide a smile for you, hopefully in the course receive pleased with the debate. I really was not tidup pack, regular package begadang .....

wah ada turnamen tarik tambang yah di sini....heheheheh


FATAMORGANA mengatakan...

hm, saya termasuk perfectionist nih.

ebleh 182, Indonesia blogger mengatakan...

Wow, good content very good and very well..

hehehe bilang apa jare.. Asal wae.. pokoknya smile smile smile :)

Ivana mengatakan...

Great post u have here!!have a great day!!

Anonim mengatakan...

Terima kasih untuk mengunjungi blog saya. Sejauh karir pergi ~ masyarakat dan pengelolaan membuat atau merusak itu. Satu harus yakin bahwa dia sebagai banyak mengembangkan keterampilan untuk satu mungkin tidak tahu berapa kali satu mungkin harus mengubah jalur karir. Gunakan pikiran Anda atas memungkinkan orang lain untuk Anda limbah energi.

Maus mengatakan...

was here dropped smile too
see u!

Mommy Liz mengatakan...

Thanks for the visit..Iused to work and I loved it, but I love being a stay at home mom better.. I am lucky to be one..

Have a great day!

Agnes mengatakan...

i cant find your chatbox :) thanks for the smile!! keep smiling!:)

pink_butterfly mengatakan...

haiii... thanx 4 dropping by at my blog!=p

Konsultan Gratisan mengatakan...

jadi blogger profesional juga menjanjikan kok mas..

BangDhika mengatakan...

di tamppi kang smilena... happy blogging...

TYO mengatakan...

How To Add The Blogger “Read More” Expandable Posts Link

With this hack, you can choose to display a select amount of text from the beginning of each post as a teaser instead of showing the entire post on the front page of your blog. Then when people want to read the rest of the post, they can click a “read more” link to see the full post. This is very handy if you have lots of long articles all on one page. (Note that you’ll need to have post pages enabled in order to make this feature work.)


pink_butterfly mengatakan...

haiii... coming to visit u wish a big smile=)

Ivana mengatakan...

great career tips!!anyway,I would love to xchange my
funny humor
blog with yours but,please link me first and let me know about that so, I'll do the same

Informasi Teknologi mengatakan...

kunjungan balasan sambil smile aja deh gak ngerti masalahnya

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